Angry Ufo

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 61MB

Hello All,

Wanted to leave this planet and go out to some new planet? Wanted to be like an Austranaut for a period? Interested to see how UFO is? So here you come and you will enjoy the game.

So basically in this game, we have already landed on new planet and on our head already UFO that is unidentified Flying Object is there who continuously hitting us like some balls so we must have to save ourselves from there balls like creatures. That’s it this is the main concept of this game.

I have played and enjoyed the game today lot more time but here specially I wanted to highlight some important improvements needed in this game to make it more interesting and user friendly for long term basis.

1) Firstly controlling provided in this game is reverse controlling that means if we wanted to move on right then we have to press left over screen so I think reverse controlling need to be removed as so many balls came from UFO at a single time.

2) Secondly for this game there is no storyline or something which will create interest for long term basis. Also there is only worldwide ranking platform but no more additional features like some kind of missions in game is inserted which will maintain interest.

3) Need improvements in graphics as they are an average.

Important thing is this game can be played by any age group and enjoy.

Rest everything is ok.

So please if you like it then download this game from link given below for free and enjoy as this is latest game listed.

Thank you..